
Instagram page design tips

Instagram, with over one billion users, is the third-largest social media platform. On Instagram, the primary activity involves uploading photos or videos to the main feed or stories, which disappear after 24 hours. Properly designing your page for marketing and sales purposes can have a significant impact on business promotion on Instagram. In the article, we will guide you on how to effectively utilize this platform for your business.

What is Instagram page design and what does it matter? 

When it comes to visual content, Instagram is one of the best platforms for exploring stunning image samples.

Perhaps you’ve wondered what Instagram page design is and what is its importance? Before addressing this question, let’s delve into the essence of this platform.

Let’s get a little more familiar with Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that focuses on photos and videos. In recent years, this platform has been very successful for marketing and communicating messages to a specific audience. Consequently, Instagram pages help businesses elevate their presence.

However, due to the growing competition on Instagram, active marketers on social media—who are always seeking better and more effective ways to convey their messages—have focused primarily on the visual content quality of their pages. This approach allows them to have a greater impact on users and, in turn, attract a specific brand audience through their Instagram pages.

The image on Instagram is intriguing; it’s something that compels a person pause and reflect on the post.

However, the issue of how to create effective content for Instagram is a common challenge that brands face today.

Allow us to assist you in this issue and simplify all your research efforts. By reading this article and following its guidelines, you can create a professional Instagram page for your brand.

Designing an Instagram page – Important tips

The concept of designing an Instagram page essentially involves creating a cohesive and visually appealing profile while also designing engaging and effective visual content. In other words, the page’s content serves not only as a specific content but also as a piece of the puzzle within the Instagram feed which completes the appearance of the page.

Therefore, if you haven’t yet chosen specific colors, fonts, or styles, take the time to choose them for your Instagram profile. This way, you can consistently design your Instagram page with these elements. The harmonious elements in your content and profile are the visual language of the profile, and help to design the brand’s Instagram page intelligently.

When it comes to designing an Instagram page and creating a design language, it is recommended to consider the following points:

Utilize Brand Corporate Colors: Using the brand’s corporate colors not only enhances the Instagram page but also reinforces the brand’s visual identity. By using a customized color palette, you ensure greater consistency throughout your page. This intelligent design approach contributes to brand cohesion, advertising, and overall brand development.

Use Brand Fonts: Utilizing brand-specific fonts is akin to selecting colors—it’s an integral part of your visual brand identity. By using these fonts consistently in your page design, you create meaningful alignment between your content and your brand’s identity. This strategic approach contributes to brand recognition in your audience’s mind.

Visual Brand Design: Every business, based on its work context and the message it wants to convey to its audience, employs different communication styles and approaches. Therefore, your online business page should choose a style that effectively communicates the intended message to your audience, aligned with your field of activity.

For example, if your brand sells children’s clothing, a fantasy and anime-inspired style can effectively convey your message. Conversely, if your brand focuses on management or economic matters, a more formal and news-oriented page design is preferable. This aligns with the specific audience seeking data for analysis.

Pay Attention to Puzzle grid Layouts: If your audience’s language includes right-to-left scripts (such as Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, and other languages), consider that some of your Instagram followers may have their Instagram interface set to right-to-left. Choosing a horizontal puzzle grid template could result in a disorganized appearance for these specific viewers.

It is recommended to choose either a template that is symmetrical on both the left and right sides or a vertical puzzle grid template that remains organized under all circumstances.

Don’t forget about Instagram Stories: Having a well-organized and visually appealing profile is not enough for a page. Stories are one of the components that make a page active and dynamic, and increase the interaction of the page’s followers, which results in an increase in the ranking of the page and greater visibility for your posts in the Explore section.

Instagram Stories content can be categorized into four main types: graphic content, photography content, video content, and real-life content. Some photography and video content also incorporate graphic design elements. Ensuring high-quality and well-crafted content in these categories contributes to retaining users on your page.

Instagram Page Design – Why Invest in It?

We’ve discussed Instagram page design and how to approach it, but why should you invest in it? The primary reason is to advertise your business across Instagram. Instagram is a visual platform; people prefer to see well-designed pages that are unique and thoughtfully planned.

A business with a uniquely designed page conveys professionalism. Such businesses attract a large number of followers and can expand their customer base, and ultimately increase their profits.

The advantages of advertising a brand on Instagram stem from two main reasons:

Audience Reach: Instagram is the third-largest social media platform, currently boasting over one billion active users. Advertising on Instagram allows you to expose your business to a wide spectrum of potential customers.

Audience Age: As you know, Instagram is a youthful social media platform, meaning its primary audience consists of young individuals. Advertising on Instagram allows businesses to attract the younger customer base, which is now a significant segment of the market.


If you’re considering to design an Instagram page to develop your brand and business, we’re eager to discuss it with you.

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