
Top 10 rules of professional logo design

Studies in the field of marketing and advertising have proven that the logo is the most effective element of brand identification for the audience. In addition, customers are more willing to buy products and services from companies with a distinctive logo. Having a professional logo, quickly establishes recognition in a competitive market and ensures the longevity of your brand name.

10 Essential Tips for Professional Logo Design to Increase Brand Impact

The first thing people encounter when interacting with any brand is its logo. This symbol represents your brand’s image, values, and identity. Boldly stated, as long as people don’t remember the logo and brand name, it doesn’t matter whether the company offers excellent ideas or high-quality products; in other words, a professional logo is the initial step in attracting customers and establishing brand identity.

Given the reasons mentioned, paying attention to certain principles and guidelines for logo design is crucial, as this logo will represent your brand for years to come.

Here are 10 essential tips to assist in selecting a modern, cohesive, and professional logo. These insights stem from years of experience in graphic design, visual identity, and branding.

1. Choose Simplicity:

 A professional logo can be complex, but remember that a logo should be quickly understandable and memorable for the audience. Logos like Nike, Apple, and Target are highly recognizable symbols worldwide, yet they are not devoid of meaning. Therefore, it’s essential for the logo to align with the brand name and its objectives

2. Use the Right Colors:

Every color conveys a message to the audience. For example, blue evokes feelings of calmness, comfort, and security in the viewer’s mind. When designing, it’s essential to choose colors that align with the brand’s objectives.

 It’s advisable not to use more than three colors. Some colors are not complementary either in the color combination or in the meaning. The complementary nature of colors in a logo impacts the message you intend to convey. Additionally, consider selecting a dominant color as the primary color.

3. Choose the Appropriate Form:

Shapes are very important to express brand values and messages. The importance of compatibility between color and business also applies to shape. For example, the square brings the concept of confidence, stability and precision, and the upward triangle implies the concept of balance, progress and success.

An important thing to note about a professional logo is that when combining shapes and forms, you should pay attention to the issue of two concepts in one image. If this is consciously formed, naturally two concepts are associated according to the purpose of the brand, However, in cases where this happens unintentionally, the secondary meaning often diverges from the brand’s goals and may even convey an unintended or contradictory message in the logo.

Some institutions or brands suffer from this issue because they have not paid attention to the dual meanings that certain shapes can create when related to each other.

4. Avoid Overly Clichéd Logos:

The logo should not follow a temporary and stereotyped trend. Your brand logo may be trendy and suitable for the proposed time, and logos similar to your brand logo style might be widely used across various media and countries; Even if it can be effective in its time, such a logo can become boring for the audience in the long run.

For a professional logo to endure over time and trends, it must be unique and personalized.

5. Logo as a Reminder of Your Activity:

To make your logo more impactful, it’s better to draw inspiration from graphic elements related to your business and evoke the brand’s activity.

For example, in businesses associated with auto spare parts, incorporating symbols like wrenches, gears, or a steering wheel into the logo can effectively remind the audience of the brand’s field.

6. Be careful of Logotype:

Whatever type of logo you choose, you’ll undoubtedly have things to write—such as your brand name or slogan. Therefore, you should carefully select your logotype. The font of your logo isn’t an insignificant choice; it also contributes to your brand’s image. Good logotype can make your logo stand out, while poor logotype can lead to misunderstandings in the message you intend to convey.

In terms of harmony, stability and aesthetics, it is recommended not to exceed two fonts.

7. Anticipate Logo Changes:

Adaptability is also a crucial feature for a professional logo. Since the logo represents the brand across all communication channels, it must be compatible with various backgrounds, forms, and applications. For instance: brochures, business cards, outdoor advertisements, social media, websites, emails, and more.

A professional logo should also be consistent in terms of size and color, ensuring recognizability and readability in both large and small sizes and against both light and dark backgrounds.

8. Know Your Target Audience:

The logo should be designed for the final customer. Therefore, you should constantly seek to know whether the logo you intend to create is attractive to the target audience or not.

This is probably one of the biggest obstacles that needs to be overcome from the start. The brand owner is not necessarily the target of the desired logo, and the taste of the brand owner may not align with the preferences of the final customers. Hence, it’s crucial to start by answering fundamental questions:

  • Who are the final customers?
  • What are their tastes?
  • What are their expectations?
  • What are they used to?

9. Eliminate Clutter:

A big obstacle in creating a professional logo is clutter and using too many details in a logo. Clutter can unconsciously creep in during the design process in various forms.

The availability of typefaces, fonts, and other elements often leads to an overemphasis on unnecessary details. Therefore, when designing a logo, consider asking questions like:

  • s adding this element logical?
  • Are these letters truly necessary?
  • Does this align with the brand’s objectives?

Decide what elements should be removed. Remember, often the simplest logos are the most powerful ones.

10. Create Your Brand Identity

A logo is the first step in forming a brand identity, but it is not the only one. To effectively utilize your logo, you need to design a comprehensive brand identity. This involves using graphic elements across various platforms such as business cards, social media, and more.

Start designing the visual identity by choosing fonts, pictograms, graphic elements of the brand, which is absolutely necessary to create a coherent brand image! Remember, your logo should tell a story and serve as the most strategic communication medium for your brand, product, or event. Keep in mind that a professional logo is crafted by a graphic designer, not a free tool that creates stereotyped designs unrelated to the activity.

Final word:

Your logo is a crucial part of your business. If you lack sufficient knowledge in the field of graphics or if you are a beginner, creating a logo that meets all the criteria mentioned above can be quite challenging. We recommend seeking assistance from professionals in this field to have a professional and effective logo.

At BT Graphic Studio, we understand how to approach our clients’ goals with passion and motivation, creating a unique and impressive work.”


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